Geo Films & Talisman Animation Studios have released the theatrical teaser trailer of their upcoming animated movie “The Donkey King” on August 20, 2018.
A film by Aziz Jindani, the architect of the success of Pakistan’s first and most popular animated super hero series for a leading antibacterial soap brand, The Donkey King promises to be a fun film for all ages. Going by the look of the teaser it surely appeals to both children and children at heart.
The 50 sec trailer, is a full-on movie in itself, takes off with a royal setting with mysterious shots of the new king, only to reveal that it is actually a Donkey. Just when you come to grips with this surprise, there is a wake-up call (quite literally!) as it is revealed that actually this was nothing but a dream and in reality Mangu (the donkey) is a dhobhi as he puts it himself “My name is ManguMangu Jan Mangu – the washing machine.” The teaser trailer has just the right dose of content to trigger curiosity for the viewer to know more about Mangu.
The maker, Aziz Jindani, shares his views and states, “Donkey King is an attempt to redefine the animation film genre in Pakistan. It will transcend the category by appealing to children and the child within every adult. The strongest point of The Donkey King is its unique, locally relevant storyline, tongue & cheek dialogues and characters that are built to last. The content speaks to the kids but consistently winks at the adult which will make it a worthwhile watch for all age groups.”
While the film’s title is telling in itself, the teaser keeps the plot in wraps. It surely whets the appetite to learn more about Mangu and his life. If the storyline itself wasn’t all consuming in itself, the visuals and voiceover appear to be of international standard and breaking the paradigm versus past animation feature attempts in Pakistan. All we can say is that The Donkey King is set to reshape what audience can expect from animated genre in Pakistan.
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