Ali Raza Siddiqui of MJSF gets appreciated for his remarkable contribution to philanthropy by Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan

Ali Raza Siddiqui of MJSF appreciated for his remarkable contribution to philanthropy by Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, UAE

Ali Raza Siddiqui, Co-Chairman JS Group & Vice Chairman Mahvash & Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation received an award from Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, UAE for his remarkable contribution to Philanthropy at the annual award function organized by People’s Organization at a local hotel in Dubai.

He was recognized for his contribution in enhancing the dignity and quality of life of individuals, families and communities through his philanthropic initiatives in the areas of education, disaster relief, healthcare and social enterprise.

Commenting on the occasion, Ali Raza Siddiqui said, “It is indeed a very big honor for all of us at MJSF to get this award and being recognized for our efforts”

Founded in 1970, JS Group is an international investment and industrial conglomerate. It conducts Corporate Social Responsibility through a series of independent charitable foundations led by the Mahvash & Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation (MJSF). MJSF was founded to tackle and challenge the issues of poverty through sustainable development in the areas of education, disaster relief, healthcare and social enterprise. Through these and other initiatives, MJSF aims to provide opportunities and provide support to empower disadvantaged members of the society.

People’s organization is a social organization compromising of Pakistani diaspora in the UAE. The aims and objectives of this organization are to support the Pakistani community through the promotion of entrepreneurship and other activities.


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