Ali Zafar Announces A New Anthem For Cricket Fans

And the wait is over, after too many speculations and fans urging rockstar Ali Zafar to come up with his version of a song for PSL here he comes with a bang. All three PSL anthems by Ali Zafar were major hits with phenomenal views on YouTube along with humongous love and support for the star.

It all began when the official anthem of PSL 5 titled Tayyar Hain sung by well reputed singers such as Ali Azmat, Arif Lohar, Haroon Rashid and Asim Azhar was released but unfortunately the song was not well received by the audiences and it took the social media by a storm and the people started urging Ali Zafar to come up with his version of the song.

Following the response to Tayyar Hain, singer Ali Azmat was seen putting allegations on Ali Zafar that he has paid bloggers to make the new anthem a flop afterwhich Ali Zafar responded through a sarcastic video responding to all the allegations with a bang:-

Ali Zafar’s Response To Ali Azmat’s Allegations

Finally it all ends here with Ali Zafar all set and pumped to to launch his version of PSL anthem. Though, this will not be an official anthem but will be a sure treat for his millions of fans who urged him to make this song.

Ali Zafar’s is all set for PSL 2020 Cricket Song 

How Excited are you to see Ali Zafar’s upcoming Cricket Anthem? Share your feedback in the coments section below.


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