Baqar Lake Resort opens up for tourists and General Public

Baqar Lake Resort, located at Chotiari Reservoir, District Sanghar was opened on Tuesday general public and tourists with the provision of world class facilities of boarding and lodging.

Managing Director Sindh Tourism Department Ejaz Sheikh announced during a press conference. He said, STD has chalked out a comprehensive plan to complete the development project besides construction of a dam opposite Baqar lake.

According to a press release, MD said that tourism spot of Chotiari dam was one of the best tourism spot in Sindh province.

He said that rest house located at the spot contains spacious lake fencing and an air conditioning system from where a pleasant view of the lake can be easily seen.

In charge Baqar lake resort Ayoub Gul said that proper arrangements were under consideration in order to facilitate tourists for swimming in summer.

He said that best results have been achieved after publicity carried out for a few months enabled excursion resort very attractive spot for tourists across the country as well as fully helped in creating job opportunities for local people.

He expressed hope the site would make its unique identity as a key tourist destination.

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