About 50.08 percent of Canada’s population were administered with the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 4.3 percent with second dose as of Saturday afternoon, according to CTV.
The country, with a population of 38 million, has administered more than 20 million vaccine doses.
“This past week we marked some incredible milestones in COVID-19 vaccines delivery and vaccination coverage, including delivery of 4.5 million doses of vaccines ahead of the long weekend and reaching 20 million vaccines administered across the country,” according to the Public Health Agency of Canada on Saturday.
As vaccine delivery continues to ramp up at an accelerated pace, said Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam on Saturday, “there is increasing optimism that widespread and lasting immunity can be achieved through COVID-19 vaccination.”
“Benefits are being seen among groups targeted for priority vaccination and as vaccine coverage increases across Canada, we can expect further benefits to protect more Canadians over the coming weeks and months,” Tam added.

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
Email:- fahad164@gmail.com , fahad@themediaparadigm.com