Why do we celebrate other women on Women’s Day?  I’m choosing to celebrate myself instead

I’m taking a different approach this year. Instead of celebrating Women’s Day as usual, I’m highlighting the failures behind my actions. Embrace the strength found in your struggles.

Often, we share stories of self-pity—about being a single parent, dealing with peer pressure, facing workplace harassment, or experiencing discrimination. It’s time to celebrate ourselves instead of pretending we empower others by hosting events and recognizing women who haven’t acted beyond their circles.

Many women don’t realize that “Accelerate Action” means it’s time to stop making statements like “women empower,” “women supporting women,” and “gender diversity” and instead make some noise for ourselves.

Why do we celebrate other women on Women’s Day?  I’m choosing to celebrate myself instead

Let 2025 be the year of genuine, impactful change. Action entails prioritizing ourselves.  

1. 😊 2023 is when my actions accelerated automatically. The academic role and the action of going back to school were risky. But then what happened? I graduated as an Executive Master’s in Business Administration with a Distinction in Leadership and Management.

Erum masood

2. 2024 Shape-shifter may sound like fantasy, but it was real action. My association with a leading law firm accelerated my understanding of a serious business market and empowered my professional growth as I pursued career advancement and leadership opportunities.

3. 2025 Being a fresh graduate at 55 and looking for a new professional role is challenging. How will I be able to empower myself? Certainly my actions will determine my future.

The only way to accelerate, “Lights, Camera, Action!”  #AccelerateAction is not another James Bond movie title!

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