The opening ceremony took place on February 20, 2020 at the National Stadium in Karachi attended by not just cricketers but the event became more star studded with the presence of celebrities such as Mehwish Hayat, Bilal Ashraf, Maya Ali, Asim Azhar, Abrar Ul Haq, Aima Baig, Sajjad Ali, Fakhar E Alam, Ali Azmat, Arif Lohar & Rahat Fateh Ali Khan to name a few. Some stars performed whereas some were there to support their favorite teams.
Here is a glance at some of the celebrity clicks from Pakistan Super League 2020:-
Celebrities At Opening Ceremony of Pakistan Super League 2020
Sam Irfan believes in the power of clear, straightforward writing. His blog posts tackle everyday topics with relatable insights and easy-to-follow advice. With a conversational style, he makes complex subjects feel understandable. He’s dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering readers to take action. Find his latest posts on trending in social.