DIY Face Masks to protect Your Skin During Your Summer Travel

Are you someone who is planning to travel in the summer season but dreading the effect that the scorching sun will have on your skin? If yes, then you are correct.

This is because traveling in summer season, when the sun is considered to be at its peak as it glares down on the residents of the Earth, can take a toll on your body physically. Not only can it cause dehydration but also discoloration and rashes among other things. While people living in the Northern Hemisphere might like getting their a tan on their fair skin, excessive exposure to the sun can be a bit too much.

However, the glaring sun should not stop you from going on that travel voyage you had planned. Rather by taking some precautions to protect yourself from the scorching heat, you can continue with your plan to make some beautiful, sunny memories. Read this special summer edition, by Jovago Pakistan to know how you can keep your skin safe while traveling during summer season through some amazing DIY face masks which are not only easy to use but are affordable as well.

  • Cucumber Mask

The cooling effect that cucumbers bring about make them an essential part of skin care as they not only soothe the skin but also brightens the skin and balances oil production. In this simple DIY mask, which is suitable for all skin types, grind 2-3 cucumbers with  ¼ cup of aloe vera and ¼ cup of fresh parsley. Apply the mixture and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, then remove with a cool washcloth.

  • Tomato Pulp Mask

As it acts as a natural sunscreen and stress reliever, a tomato is used to get rid of the unwanted suntan and dark skin in minutes. By simply using the tomato pulp and mixing it with a tablespoon of honey, you can then apply an even thick layer on your face and leave it for a while. Wash it off with cold water. This face pack helps in avoiding the summer’s scorching heat.

  • Milk and Turmeric Mask

Considered to be a very integral part of the Asian lifestyle due to its various benefitting properties, turmeric is found in abundance in the South Asian region. For the turmeric and milk mask, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw milk, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 2 drops of rose water. Mix all these ingredients well and apply it to your face. Let it settle on your skin and wash it off after a while with cold water. This skin hydrating mask should be used once a week for amazing results.

  • Clay Mask

Locally known as Multani Mitti, clay can be used to protect from the glaring sun. Not only does it soothes the skin but it also removes the tan and pimples from your skin, leaving it smooth and healthy. You should use multani mitti while traveling in Pakistan as it is not only easily available but it is also very affordable. To make this mask, simply mix the clay with water to water to make a paste and apply it to your face. Once it dries off, you can wash it with cold water.

Try these DIY masks, which are not only affordable but effective as well. Don’t forget to share your feedback with us in the comments section below.





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