Eye to Eye famed singer Taher Shah releases another single Angel

Eye to Eye famed singer Taher Shah releases another single Angel and its trending. Taher is a Pakistan based singer who got famous with his first single titled ”Eye TO Eye”, which was released online and it went viral breaking various records. Taher Shah received world Record from Unique World Records ( India), Received New World Record from RECORD SETTER (USA), World Record & Gold Medal from RHR (UK), Received Achievement Award from Breakaway Daily Canada and Prestige music award from U.S.A.

Here is Angel by Taher Shah :-

For the ones who missed watching Eye to Eye here it is :-

[fb-post href=https://www.facebook.com/TaherShahh/videos/747048915396403/]


[fb-post href=https://www.facebook.com/TaherShahh/videos/744067289027899/]

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