Felix Bendish, launched in 2001, has its own In-house design studio in Juhu – Mumbai. INDIA, that dreams of creating beautiful clothing and styling for personal clientele, Bollywood movies, Film and Television, Fashion shows , Award functions, wills india fashion week ( new delhi), lakme fashion week (mumbai), hongkong fashion week (world boutique), london fashion week (accessories with british designers)
Having a passion of designing Bridal gowns to Indo- western fusion wear, every piece is ensured with quality craftsmanship , finish and flawless workmanship in Couture embroideries .Not forgetting to have a vision through international forecasts trends and colors.
Felix, recently showcased his exquisite collection at ‘London ss 2016’.
Here is a sneak preview of his collection :-
Sania Iftikhar believes in the power of clear, straightforward writing. Her blog posts tackle everyday topics with relatable insights and easy-to-follow advice. With a conversational style, she makes complex subjects feel understandable. She’s dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering readers to take action. Find her latest posts on trending in social.