Here’s unveiling the first look of upcoming Pakistani film Parwaaz Hai Junoon featuring the dashing Hamza Ali Abbasi. Parwaaz Hai Junoon, a tribute to Pakistan Airforce is a Momina & Duraid Films presentation set to be released on Eid Ul Fitr 2018. The film stars Hamza Ali Abbasi, Ahad Raza Mir, Hania Aamir & Shaz Khan in prominent roles.
Hamza Ali Abbasi will be seen playing an air force officer in Parwaaz Hai Junoon, an officer who is very patriotic and his first priority ever is his country. The audiences cant wait to see Hamza coming back on the big screen after JPNA, he is already a mass followed figure famous for his bold statements and political shows and this his fans are looking forward to his upcoming film.
Parwaaz Hai Junoon is a Momina Duraid Films production, directed by Haseeb Hassan and written by Farhat Ishtiaq.
Whilst, the trailer is yet to be revealed here’s is the first look for now:-
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