Tourists entry in Galyat banned due to heavy snowfall

Galyat Development Authority (GDA) and district administration Abbottabad Saturday closed both entry points of Galyat due to heavy snowfall and land sliding.

According to the GDA spokesperson Ahsan Hameed, during the four days, Galyat has received more than three feet of snow besides blockade of rod for vehicular traffic due to landslide at Kundla.

Director General (DG) GDA Raza Ali Habeeb in a video message for the tourists said although GDA has provided all sorts of facilities to the tourists in Galyat as a new era of winter tourism has been started in the region and we have received more than 100000 tourists which have jam-packed Galyat with tourists.

Raza Habeeb said that Galyat has crossed its capacity for vehicles which was 15000-20000 while more than double vehicles have been entered which has created hindrance in snow clearance from main Murree road and safe travel of the tourists.

He further said that we have decided to close the entry of more tourists as we have already received up to 3 feet snow and during next two days, two more feet snowfall is expected in the area which would completely block the roads.

Raz Ali Habeeb said, our aim is to clear roads from snow and facilitate a huge number of tourists in Galyat where all hotels are already booked and no more accommodation and parking is available there.

The GDA has already issued a travel advisory for the tourists keeping in view the heavy snowfall in the region and directed the people to use four-wheel vehicles with snow chains, keep food items while driving and must have an update of the weather and road conditions, the DG said.

He also said that Galyat cannot afford more tourists during next two to three days so we have decided to ban entry of tourists temporarily to facilitate the people who have already entered Galyat and safely return them home. Moreover, snow clearing machinery cannot work on the overcrowded roads which are causing a permanent traffic jam, he added.

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