Over 1.5 Million Pilgrims Gather in Saudi Arabia for Hajj 2024

Over 1.5 million Muslim pilgrims have converged in Saudi Arabia for the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage, which commenced on Friday with essential religious rituals. This spiritual journey, one of the five pillars of Islam, attracts Muslims from across the globe to partake in these sacred rites.

Today, the pilgrims will engage in Waqoof-e-Arafa at the Plain of Arafat, a location of immense significance as it is where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered his final sermon. During this day, the Hajj Sermon will be given at Masjid-e-Nimrah, and to accommodate the diverse assembly of pilgrims, it will be translated into 50 different languages.

Following their time at Arafat, the pilgrims will journey to Muzdalifa. Here, they will gather pebbles, which are essential for the ritual of stoning the devil’s pillars in Mina. This act symbolizes the rejection of evil and temptation.

The pilgrimage will culminate in the celebration of Eid al-Adha, a major Islamic festival. As part of the festivities, pilgrims will perform Qurbani, the sacrifice of an animal, commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to God.

This year’s Hajj sees a massive gathering, highlighting the profound importance of this religious duty in the Muslim faith. The pilgrimage is not just a journey of physical endurance but also a deeply spiritual experience, reinforcing the principles of unity, devotion, and submission to Allah.

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