Since creation of man, ages after ages, different mode to heal the ailing people had been in vogue. The most ancient techniques for healing the sick, either herbal, or homeopathy or the modern-day allopath, the human beings have been looking for novel options.
But one mode of therapy remained alive in all ages and for all groups and segments whether it was in ancient times or the present-day modern age. This is spiritual therapy. And as for the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Holy Quran, this mode is equally believed and trusted in modern age as in ancient times.
The Holy Quran itself states that it has healing tendency for ailments and those researching in this divine book always came out with a different set of healing aspects to treat different diseases. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran, “And we send down Quran which is a healing and mercy to the believers.”
Surah Ar-Rahman Full in the voice of Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Although whole of this Holy Book has a healing impact, some of its Surah have more healing tendency if recited or listened in a scheme. Surah Ar-Rahman is one of those valuable Surah or verses that provide a panacea to ailing believers.
Also known as Zeenat-i-Quran (The beauty of the Holy Quran), this Surah has proved to be the best therapy for countless patients who had recovered from a number of deadly and complicated diseases with its long-lasting and powerful spiritual impact.
Scientists and researchers across the globe are working to find out medicaments of different yet mysterious diseases, but they could not succeed to triumph over the entire mini-universe of the human body yet. Therefore, along with allopathic, homeopathic, psychological and Greek ways of cure, spiritual remedies are also being opted for treatment of complicated diseases.
The rhythmic verses of the Surah Ar-Rahman had magical impact on the entire human biology as it provides internal peace to human heart, mind and soul for bringing unity to the function of the body. It also activates the cognitive faculties and belief system to get the patient emotionally connected to the creator of the universe. Thus it fills the soul with delightful feelings and mind with positive energy for bringing ultimate meaning to human life. There are numerous examples of healing effects of this Surah.
Muhammad Maqsood, a government employee in Rawalpindi, a few days back suffered an accident and the doctors recommended him an operation of his vertebra. The doctors also prescribed him medicines as he sustained multiple injuries, but he could not get relief even after the prescribed medications.
Later, a colleague has suggested him spiritual treatment of listening to Surah Ar-Rahman three times a day for seven consecutive days along with the prescribed medicines. Following the allopathic and therapeutic treatment through the Surah, he has felt better now and recovered from the physical injuries and psychological pains. Maqsood told APP that he was quite fit after listening to Surah Ar-Rahman for the stipulated time.
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), The Last Messenger of Allah Almighty said, “Everything has adoration and the adoration of the Holy Quran is Surah Ar-Rahman.”
This great Surah has three portions including the first one where Allah Almighty reveals about His creation till this portion reaches the verse “All on earth has to end.” In the second portion, there is discussion about punishment to infidels and in the third portion the Creator talks about bounties to be showered on true believers in Jannah. It’s beauty is hidden in its verse where Allah Almighty repeats again and again, “O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny?” This same verse (ayat) is repeated 31 times in the 78-ayat Surah.
Dr Kiran Sarfaraz, a Lahore based consultant surgeon told this news agency that she has been practicing “Surah Arrahman therapy” for her patients for over seven years and had witnessed miraculous results.
Religious scholar Mufti Ghulam Mustafa Rizvi said, despite all other prevalent mode of treating the diseases one could not ignore the miraculous healing potential of the Holy Quran. “It is not the Surah Ar-Rahman alone but there are other ayah-e-shifa. If we talk of Surah-e-Fateha, it has been described as Surah-e-Shifa. There are also five Ayah called as Ayah-e-Shifa.”
Starting with the Holy Name of Allah “Arrahman – the Beneficent,” this Surah ends with Ayah “List is the name of your Lord, full of majesty and honor.” Its recitation itself develops a feeling of healing and purification in human beings and when it is listened in a scheme, its impact multiplies manifold.
Dr Muhammad Javid Ahmad, a consultant physician at Services Hospital, Lahore said that he himself testified this Surah for treatment of diseases he was suffering from.
Makhdoom Safadr Shah Bokhari had the same opinion about the Surah as he stated that he advised Surah Ar-rahman Therapy for recovery of all ailments. “I recommend it to all my patients to use ‘Surah Ar-Rahman Therapy’ along the prescribed medicines as countless patients have been recovered from deadly diseases by listening to the Surah.”

Afsheen Gohar believes in the power of clear, straightforward writing. Her blog posts tackle everyday topics with relatable insights and easy-to-follow advice. With a conversational style, she makes complex subjects feel understandable. She’s dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering readers to take action. Find her latest posts on trending in social.