The Rising Health Risks Due to Heat Wave

Dr. Sumiya Zahid, a renowned health specialist, has raised concerns over the rapid increase in temperatures due to climate change, which is leading to a surge in death rates. Speaking to a private news channel, Dr. Zahid highlighted the serious health risks posed by extreme heat and humidity, especially for vulnerable groups such as infants, children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Dr. Zahid emphasized that without taking proper precautions, extreme heat could result in heat stroke and, in severe cases, fatalities. “Wearing cool and airy clothes, covering the head with a white cloth or hat, and maintaining proper water intake are crucial steps to prevent heat-related illnesses,” she advised.

In addition to these precautions, Dr. Zahid stressed the importance of being cautious with outside food during the hot season. She pointed out that the lack of temperature control standards for street foods could lead to the growth of harmful germs. “Consuming such food can cause stomach inflammation, diarrhea, and other issues, which can further lead to dehydration,” she warned.

Dr. Zahid’s insights serve as a crucial reminder of the health challenges posed by climate change. As temperatures continue to rise, it is imperative for individuals to adopt safety measures to protect themselves from the dangerous effects of extreme heat.

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