Make Self-Quarantine Productive & Stay Active

The very known COVID-19 has left the world in shock. Unfortunately, it is a pandemic situation and to get rid off it or to get better government has locked each one of us at home. It is certainly problematic to stay at home all day long. It has disturbed the globe not only economically but emotionally too. In some countries, the fitness center is closed too. This is dejected news for all fitness freak, but there is always a way. You can have your gym at home, no we don’t mean by heavy equipment. But just you and your mat. Stay physically active even during self-quarantine. Do you want to know how? Here are the top and simple tips to stay physically active during self-quarantine.

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Before starting with the “tips to stay physically active during self-quarantine” keep in mind that it is just a guideline to make your quarantine productive. If you have any serious sickness make sure you have to consult your consultant.

Woman Showing Self-Quarntine Exercise Tip on a Yoga Mat.

Top 10 Exercise Tips To Stay Active During Self-Quarantine:

Here are the top and simple tips to stay physically active during self-quarantine. These exercises/tips are approved by WHO too. Have a look at them

1. Knee to Elbow Exercise Tip:
It is undeniable that exercise is the best tip to stay healthy and active not only during the self-quarantine but in general too. Typically this exercise is ideal if you have a backache. To perform this exercise stand straight lift your knee making a perpendicular with the floor and put the alternative elbow over the knee. Stay in the position for good 30 to 60 seconds. As a beginner, start with 30 seconds and when you find your pace go up to minute. Perform this exercise for about 1 to 2 minutes. Do this for at least 3 to 5 times. But, make sure you are not hurting yourself.

Woman performing plank on a yoga mat during her self-quarantine.













2. Plank:
Certainly, each one of us is scared of doing planks. There are many myths about it, honestly, all are just the myths. The plank is the easiest way to stay healthy also, it helps in loosening the belly fat. Lie on the ground facing towards the ground. Now slowly lift your lower body maintaining the balance with your toes. After this, support your forearm firmly with the help of elbow or by the palm. Try to keep your hips at a level of your head. Try to maintain the position for a good 30 to 50 seconds. Do this quite often and not just in the self-quarantine.

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3. Back Extension:
Almost all of us are enjoying self-quarantine while watching movies, series, or so. Even the sleep cycle is disturbed too. This can cause a backache but as it is said there is always a way. Here is a way. Do the back extension. It helps in reducing the backache. To attain this position lie on the ground facing downwards. Lift your head and touch your ears with the fingertips. Slowly lift your upper body while keeping the lower body on the ground in a resting position. To strengthen the back muscles, do this for about 10 to 12 times with a break of 30 seconds.

Woman in a squat position.













4. Squats:
Who is not aware of squats? Do you know what are these for? It strengths the legs and glutes. However, it is one of the best exercise tips to do in self-quarantine. Stand straight then place your feet at a hip distance. Make sure your toes are pointing outwards. Bend your knees as long as it feels comfortable while keeping the heels on the ground. Bend and stretch your legs for about 10 to 12 times.

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5. Side Knee Lift:
To cure for the heart and to resolve breathing issues side knee lift is the best to opt for. It is not only the best but the easiest one. You simply have to stay straight, lift one knee and touch that respective knee with your elbow. Keep doing it for both sides, and perform it for about 1 to 2 minutes. Find your way and continue doing it.

6. Bridge Position:
To perform this lie on the ground facing the ceiling. Place your feet firmly on the ground in such a way that knee must be over heels. Keep your upper body in rest and lift your hip as long it feels comfortable then slowly get back to the position. Repeat this for about 10 to 12 times to strengthen your glutes and to make your self-quarantine productive.

7. Chair Dips:
For this exercise and self-quarantine tip, you would need the addition of a chair. To get an ideal triceps, hold onto the seat of the chair with your feet. Bend your arms as low as your hips bend down to the ground. In addition, you have to straighten your arms. Repeat this for 10 to 12 times.

8. Chest Opener:
To feel the fresh breathe you certainly have to stay active. During self-quarantine don’t let your freshness fade away. Lock your fingers behind your back. Stretch your arms as long as it feels comfortable and open your chest forward. This position helps to stretch the arms, shoulders, and chest.

A woman performing meditation.

9. Meditation:
This might sound outdated but it is one of the effective ways to stay woke and active. Sit on a floor or chair (floor preferable), cross your legs. Close your eyes, make sure your back is straight. Furthermore, relax your body and take a deep breath in and out. It will be effective only when your focus is on the breath and not on the thoughts or concerns.

10. Legs on the Wall:
Bring your hips as close as you can do the wall. Make sure your legs are on the resting position. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Make sure your focus is on the breath and not on the thoughts.

The aforementioned 10 tips are the best exercise tips to stay active during the self-quarantine. To attain the desire you just need passion and a mat with you. Make exercise your habit and stay healthy.

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