Pakistan’s leading and Multi-Award winning, independent publishing house Markings Publishing will be heading to the prestigious International Gourmand Awards 2018 taking pace on the 27th of May in China.Their latest title ‘Pakistan Heritage Cuisine – A Food Story’,authored by Sayeeda Leghari,has been nominated in two categories: ‘Asian – Published in Asia’ and ‘Culinary Heritage’. Indeed, it’s the only book from Pakistan to be nominated at the International Gourmand Awards this 2018. Markings won their first Gourmand Award for the title ‘Deliciously Yours’ by Lal Majid in 2014 which was followed by another Gourmand Award for their Pakistan-India collaborative cook book, “Flavours of the Frontier” in 2015.
Widely regarded by international journalists as the “Oscars” of the Cookbook Awards, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau and endeavour to recognize and honour the best authors, publishers, food writers and all those who “cook with words”. The annual Awards have established themselves as the premier cookbook recognition authority and the growing number of countries, from 136 in 2009 to 215 in 2018, that participate in the program is indicative of the Awards growing stature and prestige.
‘Pakistan Heritage Cuisine – A Food Story’ explores how the cuisine of a country is intricately woven into its fabric and is shaped by the history and characteristics of the region and its people. Traditions and cultures overlap in the subcontinent, which is a region of shared history. In this book, Leghari has tried to give readers an insight into the incredible journey of Pakistani cuisine, its grandeur as well as its simplicity, its finesse as well as its ruggedness and the historical influences that have shaped it.
The results will be announced at the annual International Gourmand Awards on 27th May, 2018 in Yantai, China – the food capital of Shandong province in China.

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
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