The longest chain drama Mera Dil Mera Dushman has come to an end. With a lot of drama and suspense, it has entertained us a lot. However, a few of the times it felt like the drama should end now, but the hits up a new twist. And that twist increases the interest of the audience. As Maira had to face a lot throughout the drama, will the Mera Dil Mera Dushman Last Episode will be in her favor? Let’s have a look into it.
Video Credits: ARY Digital
Parveen Warns Maira:
As always Parveen was humiliating Maira, she has once again humiliated Maira. And that too in her house. On the other hand, Shaheena stood for her and proved that she has accepted Maira as her sister.
Aimen and Shameer:
Everyone is against of Maira and Shameer’s marriage. But Shameer’s decision is straight and he would not step an inch back. He wants to marry her and he has an aim to marry her.
Shameer Confronts His Mother:
When he came to know that his mother went to humiliate Maira, he got angry and confronts his mom. He defended Maira and said if you will not accept her I will leave the home.
Maira Feels For Aisha:
She understands that Aisha is in love with Shameer too. And she regrets that she has ruined herself. Also, she blames herself for everything.
Shaheena and Maira:
Shaheena blames herself for all this because she was the one who separated Shameer and Maira. Also, she said that “She is with her, and she will fix everything”
Aisha Mourns For Shameer:
While looking at the picture, she confesses her love for Shameer. Also, she went to talk to Shameer and promised him that she will leave her. And he can marry Maira. She agrees to live alone.
Parveen Unveils Her Plan:
When she came to know that Aisha has accepted Shameer’s decision. She spoke to Aisha that she plotted a plan just because of money.
Maira Teaches Shameer The True Meaning Of Love:
Shameer thought that “Love is selfish” but Maira taught him that “Love is not selfish, but it is selfless”. To sacrifice in love is LOVE! And Shameer left all of them along with Aisha.
The famous phrase “As you sow so shall you reap” fits the best here. Parveen lost her consciousness (not completely) but she understood that Money cannot buy happiness but it was too late. All left her and she was alone with all money.
The Most Convincing Performance:
As said that Mera Dil Mera Dushman has been very entertaining and convincing. And it was all because of the spectacular actors. Whether it was the main lead or supporting cast, each and every actor performed so well. Without a doubt, it was the longest chain drama yet very interesting and entertaining.
Mera Dil Mera Dushman One Liner Story:
Mera Dil Mera Dushman is a story of a young innocent girl Maira, who gets married to a much older man Zafar for the exchange of money. Unfortunately, she comes face to face with the bitter reality that her one and only love Shameer is now her son-in-law. All went well in the favor of Maira but still, she did not get her love. Instead, she abandons her love herself because she believes that Love cannot be selfish.
Yasir Nawaz
Alizey Shah
Noman Sami
Laiba Khan
Amna Malik
Salman Saeed
Shazia Gohar
Anam Tanveer
Naveed Raza
Akbar Islam
Gul E Rana
Fareeda Shabir
Fatima Sohail
Saba Shah
Malik Raza
Asiya Irshad
OST Of Mera Dil Mera Dushman:
Video Credits: ARY Digital
Singer: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Music & Composer: Naveed Nashad
Lyrics: Qamar Nashad
Other Details:
Directed By: Ali Raza (Usama)
Written By: Mirza Asim Baig
Post: Sami Rafiq
D.O.P: Mohammad Shezad
Producers: Humayun Saeed & Shahzad Nasib, Samina Humayun Saeed & Sana Shahnawaz
Watch Dil Ruba Last Episode
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