The Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute Gwadar, following its completion, has started short courses to provide vocational trainings to students.
The first-ever modern vocational and technical training institute in the port city of Gwadar would accommodate 256 trainees at a time and provide training opportunities for at least 1,000 people every year, said an official source.
The Institute was completed in September 2021 before its expected completion date.
The official informed that China had agreed for providing training in the institute and a draft agreement had been already prepared in this regard which would be signed soon. The institute would also create job opportunities for local people, he added.
Under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the project was initiated in the port city to provide standard vocational education to the people of Balochistan in modern technological field, he added.
The official said, the students belonging to Gwadar district would be enrolled free of cost to get modern vocational skills in the institution.
The students after completing their course work would be sent to china for visit of various industries to get hands on exposure of modern technologies and industrial advancements.
The province was going to embrace huge economic and employment opportunities after CPEC’s operational phase and it was imperative to ensure quality education of the local masses to benefit from the game changer project, he added.
According to official sources, the project was being built under CPEC at the total cost of $ 10 million.
“The project will enhance skills of local population of Gwadar to participate in the growth of the Port City and bring investment, business and tourism in the area,” he added.
The Institute would help fulfilling maritime skilled manpower requirements of the Gwadar Port after the development of industrial projects including the Gwadar Port Free Zone, Export Processing Zone and other industrial and port-related projects.
The Institute comprises a main building, having two blocks, an administration block, four workshops, cafeteria, hostels, parking areas, an examination block and a teachers lodging facility, he said.

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
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