Pakistani Pilgrims Advised to Take Precautions Against Heat During Hajj

As Pakistani pilgrims prepare for Hajj, the Pakistan Hajj Medical Mission (PHMM) has emphasized the importance of taking precautions against potential heatstroke due to an anticipated severe heatwave. This advisory follows a recent heat warning from the Saudi National Centre for Meteorology.

Precautionary Measures

PHMM Director Brigadier Jamil Ahmed Lakhair advises pilgrims to use face masks and umbrellas, avoid sun exposure, and stay hydrated with plenty of water, preferably Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). “Save your energy for the Hajj days to be spent in Mina, Muzdalifah, Arafat, and while performing Rami (stoning to devils) in Jamarat. These days are the toughest and most nerve-testing,” he said.

Recognizing Heatstroke Symptoms

Brigadier Jamil highlighted symptoms of heatstroke, including no sweating, body heat with dry and red skin, vomiting, nausea, extreme thirst, dizziness, and unconsciousness. To avoid these, he recommends avoiding direct heat, drinking ample fluids, taking cold showers, and seeking medical attention if symptoms arise.

Expected Weather Conditions

The Saudi National Centre for Meteorology forecasts temperatures as high as 44 degrees Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) during Hajj, with relative humidity around 25% and minimal rain. Last year’s Hajj saw over 2,000 cases of heat stress, with temperatures reaching 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit).

PHMM’s Preparedness

The PHMM, led by Brigadier Jamil and a team of 400 members, is well-prepared with a substantial stock of medicines and equipped to handle medical emergencies. “By the grace of Allah Almighty, I am confident that the PHMM is fully equipped, prepared, and competent enough to tackle any medical emergency situation, if it arises… May God forbid, in a highly professional manner,” he assured.

Since the pre-Hajj flight operation started on May 9, the team has been working tirelessly across two hospitals and 11 dispensaries in Makkah, Madinah, and Jeddah. Both hospitals are equipped with modern medical facilities, and each dispensary operates round the clock with doctors, paramedics, and pharmacists.

Comprehensive Medical Services

The PHMM offers a wide range of medical specialists, including cardiologists, chest specialists, psychiatrists, and more. Minor procedures can be performed at the hospitals, and patients with serious conditions are referred to Saudi hospitals. Free treatment and 29 types of basic blood tests are provided to patients.

Serving 160,000 Pakistani Pilgrims

This year, around 160,000 Pakistanis will perform Hajj under both government and private schemes. Brigadier Jamil, a seasoned healthcare administrator and public health specialist, ensures that the mission’s medical specialists are available 24/7 to serve the pilgrims with ample medicines in stock.

As the Hajj days approach, the PHMM’s readiness and the proactive measures advised to pilgrims aim to ensure a safe and healthy pilgrimage experience despite the challenging weather conditions.

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