Pakistani teenager Ahmed Raza’s dream come true at FIFA World Cup 2018

Coca-Cola Pakistan made a 15 year-old Pakistani teenager’s dream come true as Ahmed Raza got to be a part of the coin-toss for the historic match between Brazil and Costa Rica at the FIFA World Cup 2018 on 22ndJune 2018 in Russia.

Coca-Cola creates magic with FIFA World Cup 2018 anthem “Colors” by Jason Derulo & QB

This marked the first time a Pakistani was present on the pitch of a FIFA World Cup Match in an official capacity.

A passionate fan of Neymar Jr. and the Brazilian Football Team, on 22ndJune 2018 Ahmed had the opportunity to meet his idol and favorite football team in action.

Ahmed Raza hails from a family in Sialkot, whose older members have been crafting hand-stitched footballs for professional leagues across three generations. Indeed, Ahmed Raza and his father, Shabbir Ahmed are both fanatical about football and his involvement FIFA World Cup 2018 is the fulfillment of a dream for father and son.

Coca-Cola also took Kaleem-ullah, captain of Pakistan’s national football team (men), to Russia who joined Ahmed on his journey to Moscow for FIFA World Cup 2018.

To celebrate and document Ahmed’s journey from the gullys of Sialkot to the FIFA World Cup Stadium in Moscow, Coca-Cola has collaborated with Two-time Oscar Winning film-maker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Ahmed’s documentary will be released in July 2018.

4:45 PM on Friday, 22ndJune was indeed a proud moment for Pakistan as the country witnessed for the first time one of its own on the pitch with one of the most celebrated teams in the world at the biggest sporting event this 2018, the FIFA World Cup 2018. Coca-Cola had earlier released the Official World Cup Anthem in Pakistan,COLORS” featuring Coke Studio sensation Qurat-ul-ain Balouch [QB] and Billboard Top 100 Artist Jason DeRulo.

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