Investors can invest on Pakistan Stock Exchange through the highly simplified Sahulat Account as it provides exceptional ease of account opening for investors . Now, they can open a Sahulat Account by only submitting their CNIC/ SNIC and start investing up to an amount of Rs 800,000 into stock market.
This is an ideal account for Pakistani individuals such as students, housewives, novice investors or others wanting to invest in the stock market but have thus far felt hesitant to do so as they may have found the conventional account opening process tedious with numerous documents required to be submitted. All licensed Securities Brokers are offering the Sahulat Account facility. Moreover, the Sahulat Account can be opened online as well, said PSX release on Tuesday.
For Sahulat Account, investors need not submit any specific evidence of source of income such as salary slips or bank statements etc. In order to remove any kind of ambiguity on part of Securities Brokers and their customers, Pakistan Stock Exchange has already issued a Notice with respect to the account opening process for the Sahulat Account.
As per this process, any individual identified as ‘low risk’ through risk assessment can open a Sahulat Account. The Securities Broker may apply simplified due diligence measures which include verification of identity of customers.

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
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