Radd is a dramatic masterpiece that revolves around three central characters whose desires intertwine but are continuously thwarted by fate. Directed by Ahmed Bhatti and written by Sanam Mehdi Zaryab, the series boasts an ensemble cast including Sheheryar Munawar, Hiba Bukhari, Arsalan Naseer, Naumaan Ijaz, Dania Enwer, Adnan Jaffar, Nadia Afgan, Asma Abbas, Yasmin Peerzada, and more.
Watch Radd episode 4 here:-
Radd Episode 4
In Episode 4, viewers witnessed one such scenario where events took a dramatic turn, almost bordering on the surreal.
The latest installment showcased our heroine, Emaan, fleeing from a rude cab driver for no apparent reason, seeking refuge with the second hero amidst the pouring rain – a scene reminiscent of Bollywood drama. However, what followed was a twist even by dramatic standards. Instead of simply dropping her home, hero number two opted to take her to his own residence.
The sequence was undeniably inspired, yet it pushed the boundaries of believability. Nevertheless, it served to escalate the tension and deepen the connection between the characters, leaving viewers intrigued about what lies ahead for them.
With each episode, Radd continues to deliver twists and turns that keep audiences on the edge of their seats. As the story unfolds, the intricate web of relationships and desires becomes increasingly captivating, promising more drama and excitement in the episodes to come.
Radd airs on ARY Digital every Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 PM.
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