Shaista Lodhi bags another Award for Excellence in Hosting

The icon foundation with the Collaboration Icon PR & Communication and Standards Gazette International organized an Event at Marriot Hotel Karachi on 23- March- 2016. The program was organized to acknowledge Pakistani entrepreneurs, Pakistani Dignitaries, Institutions, industries & Citizens for their struggle that made an impact on the world through their services for the Nation.

Shaista Lodhi bags another Award for Excellence in Hosting

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Icon foundation is working in Pakistan for the promotion of Entrepreneurs, Pakistani institutions and Personalities. The icon foundation helps organizations to build Quality Culture and Standardization activities in Pakistan.

The Participant were of NGOs, Social Activists and Consumer Rights activists, Media and TV personals.

Acknowledging the talent in hosting morning shows, the icon of the Nation Awards ceremony acknowledged Dr. Shaista Lodhi’s contribution to Pakistani entertainment industry. Shaista Lodhi was bestowed with the prestigious Excellence in Hosting, Awarded by CEO HUM TV Ms Sultana Siddiqui. “I want to thank all of the hard times and people who made me stronger and content.” Said by Shaista Lodhi while receiving her award.

She also quoted a few lines from Ahmed NadeemQasmi’skalaam. “Khudakarekemeriarz-e-paak par utray.

Wohfasl-e-guljiseandeishaeyzawaalna ho” on the occasion of Pakistan Day.

Everyone has watched her struggle during her hard times and she made her comeback witha balancing and content attitude.

The award appropriately reflects the endless hours she spends to bring entertainment for her viewers. We congratulate her on winning the Icon of the Nation Award and wish her unlimited success and an effulgent future in the coming days.

Shaista Lodhi bags another Award for Excellence in Hosting

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