On the gloriously pleasant final day of PSL 2020 being hosted in the city of lights, Shaniera Akram’s question of why Karachi is love stirred up a wholesome conversation we didn’t know we needed.
This question comes from a person who has really fallen in love with her new home. Shaniera Akram has always raised her voice for the betterment of Karachi and its citizens. From social causes to ecological concerns, she has used her platform to improve the situation. So, you can tell that for her, Karachi really is Love.
The responses to her question were varied. People love different things about this mercurial city. A common theme was that people love how diverse Karachi it. This is certainly true.
They don’t call it mini Pakistan for nothing. Of course, food featured highly on the list as well. Why wouldn’t it?
Some people also mentioned the famous Karachi sea breeze. Irrespective of how hot the day is, the nights are nice and pleasant. You can sit under the open skies and have a hot cup of tea, even during the hottest month of the year. While others pointed out the generosity of Karachites as being their reason to love the city of lights. From charitable organizations to individual acts of kindness, someone or something will inspire you every day.
Perhaps the most fascinating response was how Karachites are so resourceful and find a way to get things done.
After the glorious win of this year for Karachi – when the fireworks lit up the sky on final night and Karachi came alive with everything that it represents – we were reminded of the charm of this city that millions call home. Now we have another reason to rejoice and revel in this city – cuz Karachi Love Hai Jani!

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
Email:- fahad164@gmail.com , fahad@themediaparadigm.com