Singer Haroon Shares His Thoughts On The PSL Song Controversy

Renowned singer Haroon Rashid shared in a video his thoughts on the controversy of the battle of the PSL song ‘‘Tayyar Hain” composed by Zulfi and sung by Ali Azmat, Arif Lohar, Asim Azhar & Haroon himself.

This is what Haroon had to say about ‘‘Tayyar Hain”:-

Video Credits: Haroon

It was such a pleasure working with Zulfi on the song. He is such an amazing producer and composer. I’m a huge fan of his work. When he asked me to participate I didn’t miss a beat and said yes. When I first heard the rough track of Tayyar Hain in his studio I thought it was powerful and catchy and I was excited to lend my vocals. It was great to see him work his magic in the studio. The finished song sounds huge as it resonates across the stadiums of Pakistan. It was also a lot of fun working with Ali Azmat, Arif Lohar and Asim Azhar during the music video shoot.  They are so talented and such great performers. Other than from a certain quarter we have received so much positive feedback on the song and I’m grateful for the support. Would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Our Verdict:

Watch Tayyar Hain a couple of times and you will like it more. No matter the song initially created quite a stir but fact of the matter is ”the song is being loved” by people with over 4 million views on YouTube and counting.

Tayyar Hain – The official anthem of HBL PSL 2020 Revealed

Watch Official PSL Anthem 2020 Tayyar Hain

Video Credits: PSL

As you heard it more, what is your opinion about PSL official anthem Tayyar Hain, now? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.


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