Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour for ChipsNDips inaugration which  is a joint venture of Araib Khan & Abdullah Rizwan Sheikh students of ” Department Of Public Administration “.

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour

They are two young energetic self made entrepreneurs who came up with a new unique french fries concept and created their own brand in a very short span to help out disable people by donating a certain amount of percentage from their profits. They invited Ayyan as the Chief Guest to do the inauguration for this amazing social cause.

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour


Ayyan attended a live Q/A session, had some amazing discussions with the faculty & students. She gave them a simple message that they should not create their perception about anything on the basis of rumors they should inquire the real facts and then move forward with their vision, because she wants the youth to have full confidence which will help them out to discuss their opinions about everything openly rather then implementing others opinions on themselves. The supermodel was very impressed and proud of all these students who are doing so well and was glad to meet all of them. Before leaving she was awarded an Honorable Appreciation Shield.

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour

Supermodel Ayyan visit’s University Of Karachi as Guest Of Honour


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