The biggest food festival of 2019 is right around the corner so you better start prepping for it already. The 7up Foodies Festival is happening from 1st to 3rd March at Etihad Town and they have crazy lots to offer.
To ensure you get the best of all, here’s listing down the essentials you need to have:-
1. You definitely want to be carrying a CAMERA because there’s soo much happening during the 3-day festival. Jam packed with activities even if you’re not a blogger, you’d still want to have at least one picture with your favourite stars. We’re not just talking about any music star, we’re stating the best that our music could give. If you’re lucky enough, you could definitely get a picture taken with the likes of Atif Aslam, Josh, Strings, Abrar ul Haq and many more drool worthy musicians!!
2. If your camera is your phone, charge that POWER BANK now!! You don’t want to go through the ultimate epic fails of not being able to take that Kodak Moment with your friend, the scrumptious insta-perfect food items and the power house line-up of musicians. Get charging and be prepared for innumerable chances of making epic memories with 7up!
3. If there’s like 100+ eateries and some that you’d otherwise never have access to, we’re guaranteeing that you’re going to be eating non-stop. Ladies, carry some handy MAKE-UP if needed. Everyone you know will be there and you have to be prepared if you’re eating away your lipstick.
4. We all are so used to carrying debit and credit cards, but it’s always good to have handy cash at all times. Keep lots of change and make sure you have CASH handy because we know you’ll want to try practically everything they’re serving. The 7up Foodies Festival has an insane variety of sweet and savoury. As much as you think you’re maintaining that diet at the Foodies Festival, forget about it! You’re going to want to try everything especially food that you can’t get anywhere else in Lahore!
5. Make it FRIENDS or FAMILY day – take them all if need be!! You can even sit and enjoy PSL Match Screening with your dad, brother, sister or group of friends. More always merrier especially when you’re capturing insta or snapchat stories.
6. REST UP before you go, because you don’t want to miss out on anything happening at the 7up Foodies Festival – be it food, music, match screening, fireworks or more. You better be well rested because it’s a huge festival and you don’t want to miss out any of the fun activities.
7. If you have babies, bring ‘em along because 7up’s got your covered mamas and papas. There’s a play area dedicated to children. I mean sure you can also enjoy the fun rides since its specially catering to families with little children. Oh, and brownie points for 7up – this is a family affair so not stags allowed. We know, we’re equally excited!

Sundus Anwar believes in the power of clear, straightforward writing. Her blog posts tackle everyday topics with relatable insights and easy-to-follow advice. With a conversational style, she makes complex subjects feel understandable. She’s dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering readers to take action. Find her latest posts on trending in social.