Veteran Pakistani film actress and mother of Lollywood star Shaan Shahid “Neelo Begum” passed away

Veteran Pakistani film actress and mother of Lollywood star Shaan Shahid, Neelo Begum passed away on Saturday. She was 80. 

She had been ill for a long time. Her death was confirmed by Shaan on his Twitter handle. He wrote. “It is with the saddest of heart I share the departure of my mother as she has gone to her creator. May Allah bless her. 

Neelo Begum’s life at a glance

She was born in 1940 in Bhera, Neelo’s real name was Cynthia Alexander Fernandes. The year 1957 proved a breakthrough in her life when she shot to fame after performing on the song “Aaye mausam, rangilay suhanay” in the film Saat Lakh.

She then joined Pakistani films as an ‘extra’, worked hard and and got leading roles and ultimately rose to the position of leading lady by the sheer dint of her immense talent. 

Riaz Shahid, the legendary writer known for meaningful concepts and patriotic films, married Neelo in 1965 after she converted to Islam and changed her name to Abida Riaz. 

The husband-wife duo made a film Zarqa on the Palestinian issue in 1969. Neelo’s role in Zarqa which proved to be her crowning glory; the film became the first diamond jubilee film of Pakistan. The film is regarded as one of the finest achievements of Pakistan film history.

Nelo Begum has acted in other memorable films like Doshiza, Azra, Beti, Dachi, Ji Dar in her artistic career.

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